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My Tmux Configuration

·323 words·2 mins
tmux neovim
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Tmux is a terminal multiplexer; it allows multiple terminal sessions to be accessed from a single window.

In this article, we’ll walk through my Tmux setup that is designed for efficient integration with Neovim.




Follow these steps to set up Tmux:

  1. Install Tmux:

    If Tmux is not already installed on your system, you can install it using your package manager. For example, on Debian-based systems, run:

    sudo apt-get install tmux

    Verify the installation by checking the Tmux version:

    tmux -V
  2. Retrieve My Configuration File:

    Download my Tmux configuration file into your home directory using the following command:

    wget -O ~/.tmux.conf
  3. Install Tmux Plugin Manager (tpm):

    Clone the Tmux Plugin Manager repository to ~/.tmux/plugins/ using:

    git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
  4. Create a Tmux session:

    Start a new Tmux session.

    tmux new -s SessionName

    This should create a session and attach you to the created session.

  5. Reload the Tmux configuration file:

    Press your Tmux prefix key (my configuration uses Ctrl + Space) followed by r to reload the configuration file:


    On the configuration file, replace C-Space with a prefered key bind to override the default prefix key bind, on the following lines:

    set -g prefix C-Space
    bind-key C-Space send-prefix
  6. Install Tmux plugins:

    While inside a Tmux session, install plugins by pressing your Tmux prefix key followed by I (uppercase):

    Again, replace <C-Space> with your configured prefix key bind.

That’s it! Your Tmux environment is now configured with the specified settings and plugins. Customize further based on your preferences.


Normal Keymaps

Keybind Description
C-Space Prefix key
prefix + | Vertical split
prefix + - Horizontal split
prefix + r Reload configuration
prefix + j/k/l/h Resize panes
prefix + m Maximize pane

Copy Mode Keymaps

Keybind Description
prefix + [ Enter copy mode
v Start selection
y Copy selection
q Exit copy mode

Remember to customize these keybinds further based on your preferences and workflow!